To find out more about BAOS then click on a link below.


Constitution adopted 27th November, 2003, updated 9th September, 2015 (AGM) and 13th September, 2022 (AGM)


The name of the Association is Basingstoke Amateur Operatic Society



Subject to the matters set out below the Charity and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Executive Committee, constituted by clause H of this constitution (“the Executive Committee”).



The Charity’s objects (“the objects”) are to promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in an appreciation of the art and science in all aspects by the presentation of musical productions for the general purposes of such charitable bodies or for such purposes as shall be exclusively charitable as the trustees from time to time decide.



In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:

  1. power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Executive Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;
  2. power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;
  3. power subject to any consents required by law to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Charity;
  4. power to employ such staff (who shall not be members of the Executive Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions and superannuation for staff and their dependants;
  5. power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes and to exchange information and advice with them;
  6. power to support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for all or any of the objects;
  7. power to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Executive Committee may think fit;
  8. power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.


  1. Membership of the Charity shall be open to any person over the age of 16 years interested in furthering the objects and who has paid the annual subscription subject to conditions laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee.
  2. The Society shall comprise the following classes
    • Full Members;
    • Concessionary Members, who are full-time students, Senior Citizens (over state pension age) or registered unemployed;
    • Honorary Life Members;
    • Non-Performing Members;
    • President; and
    • Ambassadors

Other references in this constitution to “Members” and “Membership” apply to Full Members, Concessionary Members, Honorary Life Members and Non-Performing Members.

  1. Only Members (as defined above) shall have voting powers at any General Meeting
  2. The Annual Subscription for each membership category of the Society shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. All subscriptions shall be paid directly to the BAOS bank account or to the person nominated by the Committee. Subscriptions shall become due the day immediately following the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The subscription of new members is due once all criteria have been met and must be paid before auditioning in any production.
  4. Members will be required to pay for each Full Production a Performing Fee in order to participate in a production, the amount for each membership category to be determined at the Annual General Meeting. This fee must be paid within one month of acceptance into the cast at audition or, by exception, in instalments set by the Executive Committee, with the first instalment to be paid within one month of acceptance into the cast at audition
  5. The President shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall be appointed by the Committee. Ambassadors shall be enrolled by the President. They shall pay an annual minimum fee determined by the Committee. Honorary Life Members shall receive two tickets per annum for one of the Society’s main productions.


The business of the Society shall be managed by, and the property of the Society vested in, a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting.

This Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and four ordinary members.

  1. Only Members of the Society shall be eligible for election to the Committee. All members of the Committee shall be honorary and will retire annually but be eligible for re-election. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt as necessary. Co opted Committee Members will not be entitled to vote in Committee affairs.
  2. The Executive Committee may in addition appoint not more than 2 co-opted members. Each appointment of a co-opted member shall be made at a meeting of the Executive Committee called under clause I and shall take effect from the end of that meeting unless the appointment is to fill a place which has not then been vacated in which case the appointment shall run from the date when the post becomes vacant.
  3. The proceedings of the Executive Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number or by any failure to appoint or any defect in the appointment or qualification of a member.
  4. Nobody shall be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee who is aged under 18 or who would if appointed be disqualified under the provisions of the following clause.


A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

  1. is disqualified from acting as a member of the Executive Committee by virtue of section 72 of the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision);
  2. becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs;
  3. is absent without the permission of the Executive Committee from all their meetings held within a period of six months and the Executive Committee resolve that his or her office be vacated; or
  4. notifies to the Executive Committee a wish to resign (but only if at least three members of the Executive Committee will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect).


  1. Subject to the provisions of sub-clause (2) of this clause no member of the Executive Committee shall acquire any interest in property belonging to the Charity (otherwise than as a trustee for the Charity) or receive remuneration or be interested (otherwise than as a member of the Executive Committee) in any contract entered into by Executive Committee.
  2. Any member of the Executive Committee for the time being who is a solicitor, accountant or other person engaged in a profession may charge and be paid all the usual professional charges for business done by him or her or his or her firm when instructed by the other members of the Executive Committee to act in a professional capacity on behalf of the Charity: Provided that at no time shall a majority of the members of the Executive Committee benefit under this provision and that a member of the Executive Committee shall withdraw from any meeting at which his or her own instruction or remuneration, or that of his or her firm, is under discussion.


  1. The Executive Committee shall hold at least two ordinary meetings each year. A special meeting may be called at any time by the chairman or by any two members of the Executive Committee upon not less than 4 days’ notice being given to the other members of the Executive Committee of the matters to be discussed but if the matters include an appointment of a co-opted member then not less than 21 days’ notice must be given.
  2. The chairman shall act as chairman at meetings of the Executive Committee. If the chairman is absent from any meeting, the members of the Executive Committee present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting before any other business is transacted.
  3. There shall be a quorum when at least one-third of the number of members of the Executive Committee for the time being or three members of the Executive Committee, whichever is the greater, are present at a meeting.
  4. Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting on the question but in the case of equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
  5. The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at meetings of the Executive Committee and any sub-committee. Minutes stored electronically should have adequate secure backup. Such minutes are available to members on request, following confirmation at the next meeting.
  6. The Executive Committee may from time to time make and alter rules for the conduct of their business, the summoning and conduct of their meetings and the custody of documents. The duties of the Office Holders shall be decided by the Executive committee by consultation No rule may be made which is inconsistent with this constitution.
  7. The Executive Committee may appoint one or more sub-committees consisting of three or more members, drawn from members of the Executive Committee, or any other members of the Society suitably co-opted, for the purpose of making any inquiry or supervising or performing any function or duty which in the opinion of the Executive Committee would be more conveniently undertaken or carried out by a sub-committee: provided that all acts and proceedings of any such sub-committees shall be fully and promptly reported to the Executive Committee.


  1. The funds of the Charity, including all donations contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account or accounts operated by the Executive Committee in the name of the Charity at such bank as the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide. All payments from the account must be authorised by at least two members of the Executive Committee, at least one of whom must be the Chair, Vice Chair, the Secretary or the Treasurer. Evidence of such authorisation should be available for review in accordance with accepted accounting practices.
  2. The funds belonging to the Charity shall be applied only in furthering the objects.


  1. All assets purchased for the good and benefit of the society shall remain the property of the Society until disposal is authorised by the Executive Committee.
  2. The property shall be subject to normal accountancy practices with respect to the valuation and write-down of said property assets.


The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to:

  1. the keeping of accounting records for the Charity;
  2. the preparation of annual statements of account for the charity;
  3. the auditing or independent examination of the statements of account of the Charity;
  4. the transmission of the statements of account of the Charity to the Commission.


The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual report and its transmission to the Commission.



The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual return and its transmission to the Commission.



  1. There shall be an annual general meeting of the Charity which shall be held in the month of September in each year or as soon as practicable thereafter.
  2. Every annual general meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee. The secretary shall give at least 21 days’ notice of the annual general meeting to all the members of the Charity. All the members of the Charity shall be entitled to attend but voting rights shall be in accordance with Clause E.
  3. Before any other business is transacted at the first annual general meeting the persons present shall appoint a chairman of the meeting. The chairman shall be the chairman of subsequent annual general meetings, but if he or she is not present, before any other business is transacted, the persons present shall appoint a chairman of the meeting.
  4. The Executive Committee shall present to each annual general meeting the report and accounts of the Charity for the preceding year.
  5. Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be made by members of the Charity in writing and must be in the hands of the secretary of the Executive Committee at least 1 day before the annual general meeting. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.


The Executive Committee may call a special general meeting of the Charity at any time. If at least fifteen(15) members request such a meeting in writing stating the business to be considered the secretary shall call such a meeting. At least 21 days’ notice must be given. The notice must state the business to be discussed. Only the stated business can be discussed at said meeting.



  1. The secretary or other person specially appointed by the Executive Committee shall keep a full record of proceedings at every general meeting of the Charity.
  2. There shall be a quorum when at least one-third of the number of members of the Charity for the time being or ten members of the Charity, whichever is the greater, are present at any general meeting.


Any notice required to be served on any member of the Charity shall be in writing and shall be served by the secretary or the Executive Committee on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such member at his or her last known address in the United Kingdom, and any letter so sent shall be deemed to have been received within 10 days of posting.



  1. Subject to the following provisions of this clause the Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
  2. No amendment may be made to clause (the name of charity clause), clause (the objects clause), clause (Executive Committee members not to be personally interested clause), clause (the dissolution clause) or this clause without the prior consent in writing of the Commissioners.
  3. No amendment may be made which would have the effect of making the Charity cease to be a charity at law.
  4. The Executive Committee should promptly send to the Commission a copy of any amendment made under this clause.


If the Executive Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Charity it shall call a meeting of all members of the Charity, of which not less than 21 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting the Executive Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Charity. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Charity as the members of the Charity may determine or failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose. A copy of the statement of accounts, or account and statement, for the final accounting period of the Charity must be sent to the Commission.



Until the first annual general meeting takes place this constitution shall take effect as if references in it to the Executive Committee were references to the persons whose signatures appear at the bottom of this document.



References in this constitution to a “Full Production” typically mean a complete work with principal characters, set, costumes, lighting and sound, often performed in a theatre. References in this constitution to an “Other Production” mean a performance other than a Full Production.

  1. The Executive Committee shall determine whether a performance is a Full Production or an Other Production
  2. The Executive Committee shall decide on the musical works to be presented in a Full Production and the dates upon which the public performances shall take place. The Executive Committee may delegate the decision on the pieces to be included in an Other Production to a Sub-Committee but retains the right to review the content and discuss reasonable changes in the interest of the membership.
  3. A Director, Musical Director and Production Manager shall be appointed for each Full Production by the Executive Committee and they shall attend meetings of the Committee by invitation as required. Where appropriate, an Assistant Director and/or Choreographer shall be appointed for each Full Production by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Director and Musical Director. References in this constitution to the “Creative Team” apply to the Director and Musical Director together with the Assistant Director and Choreographer, if appointed. Other production officials (typically including Stage Manager and other Crew, Lighting, Sound, Set, Costumes, Props, Orchestra) shall be appointed by the Director, Musical Director and/or Production Manager. The Executive Committee retains the right to review the appointments and discuss reasonable changes in the interest of the membership.
  4. Only current, constitutionally valid Full Members, Concessionary Members and Honorary Life Members of the Society at the time of auditions shall be eligible to take part in the Principal and Ensemble Auditions of a production. Children (who will remain non-members), if required in a production, will have a separate audition.
  5. The Director and Musical Director shall decide on the extracts from the libretto and musical score to be performed at Full Production auditions and these details shall be made available to members no less than 21 days prior to the date set for the auditions.
  6. A Casting Sub-Committee shall be appointed for Full Production auditions and will consist of the Director, Musical Director and the President of the Society (or their appointed representative). The President (or their appointed representative) will only have a mediator role.
  7. Members shall declare in advance of the date of auditions for a Full Production which roles they intend to attempt and whether they are prepared to be considered for roles other than these. The Ensemble for any Full Production will be auditioned by the same Casting Sub-Committee at their discretion.
  8. In exceptional circumstances, the Casting Sub-Committee for Full Production auditions can be extended on a per Production basis with the prior written approval of the Committee.
  9. A Committee Member should be present at Full Production Auditions. Should no Committee Members be available, the Committee shall nominate a representative, who must be a current Member of the society, who is not taking part in the Production.
  10. All members of the Casting Sub-Committee for Full Production auditions shall have at their disposal all relevant details of members auditioning and shall be made aware of the Society’s rules for auditions.
  11. The entire principal cast, as defined by the Creative Team and agreed by the Executive Committee, for any Full Production shall be selected as the result of auditions
  12. Should a Casting Sub-Committee not find it possible to complete the selection of a cast on the date appointed for the initial Full Production auditions, further auditions shall be held at a later date in the presence of a full Casting sub-committee. The Casting Sub-Committee for any Full Production should consider if any current members of the Society who auditioned may be suitable to fill vacant roles and should be recalled to audition at further auditions. If the Casting Sub-Committee does not consider that they have seen any such members of the Society, the Executive Committee may, after consultation with the Director and Musical Director, invite persons, including all current members, to audition for the role(s), irrespective of any other provision of the Constitution.
  13. For Other Productions, the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Creative Team, shall determine which of Clauses V 1-12 should apply.
  14. In consultation with the Creative Team, the Executive Committee of the Society shall have the power to revise the cast of any Production if any member to whom a role has been assigned shall, in their opinion, prove to be unsuitable for the part.
  15. The Executive Committee shall reserve the right to exclude from the current production any member, who, in the view of the Creative Team and Executive Committee, does not make adequate attendance at rehearsal or show sufficient involvement. The Committee shall have the right to make specific rules regarding attendance requirements at rehearsals, in consultation with the Creative Team. Such rules should be specified to cast in advance of auditions.

This constitution was adopted on the date mentioned above by the persons whose signatures appear at the bottom of this document.

Signed Caroline Price Chair

Basingstoke Amateur Operatic Society

Name Nicholas Williams

Date 27/11/03

Name Anne Bell

Date 27/11/03

Name Christine Young



  • All people have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of others.
  • Everyone is responsible for their own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions.
  • Everyone should apply the same standards regardless of culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and sexual orientation.
  • More than one adult should be present if minors (under 18s) or vulnerable adults are present.
  • BAOS acknowledges that genuine friendships may exist independent of the society, but everyone should consider whether it is appropriate to have contact with minors and vulnerable adults outside BAOS.
  • Communications with minors or vulnerable adults should be public wherever possible e.g. in the rehearsal room, in a BAOS Facebook group or via BAOS’s email.
  • All concerns about the actions and behaviour of others should be reported to the BAOS Chairman and/or Committee or to the designated Safeguarding Lead.
  • Anyone who believes they have acted in a way which may give rise to concern should discuss with and/or take advice promptly from the BAOS Chairman and/or Committee or the designated Safeguarding Lead.
  • BAOS will continually monitor and review practice to ensure this guidance is followed.
  • Breaches of the law and these guidelines could result in action being taken against the individual concerned.

BAOS–Membership Policy – April 2015

Click here for a downloadable version


Membership to BAOS is open to anyone aged 16 or over. Prospective members should complete a Membership form, perform any appropriate auditions the Committee or its appointed representatives deem necessary and pay a Subscription Fee, set by the Members at Annual General Meetings (AGM).

The current membership categories are, as per our Constitution, Paragraph E, (2);

  • Members;
  • Concessionary Members, who are full-time students, Senior Citizens or registered
  • unemployed;
  • Honorary Life Members;
  • President, Honorary Life Vice-Presidents and Vice Presidents;
  • Non-Performing Members.

All Membership classes, except Non-Performing Members are entitled to be considered for any part of any production subject to an audition and payment of any related Performance Fee.


Annual Membership Subscription fees are set at the AGM, as per our Constitution, Paragraph E, (4). Relevant fees are set out below;

page1image930517888 page1image930518192 page1image930518624

Category Fee

Member £25 Concessionary Member £15


Maximum of 1 Year, expiring at the next AGM.
Maximum of 1 Year, expiring at the next AGM.

Maximum of 6 months, available from April, expiring at the next AGM
Maximum of 6 months, available from April, expiring at the next AGMpage1image930562960 page1image930563168 page1image930563472

Payment of Performance Fees are detailed on Audition Forms. Flexible payment terms are available if required. Please feel free to approach any member of committee to inquire about this.

Behaviour and Social aspects

BAOS prides itself on its positive, friendly and inclusive atmosphere. We encourage people within BAOS to contribute to the running of the charity, and to get involved in all aspects of production. This includes opportunities to participate responsibly in activities to promote BAOS, to contribute as leaders and role models, to get involved in marketing, technical aspects, and directing as well as performing. We encourage social activities and frequently organise events and theatre trips. Details of these are typically communicated out to the Members mailing list from and posted on the BAOS website.

BAOS operates a zero-tolerance bullying policy and have an expectation that all Members respect other Members. Any behaviour deemed to be inappropriate or perceived bullying, within the confines of BAOS or through social media connected to BAOS will be dealt with.








Registered Charity No: 1103166

BAOS reserves the right to terminate the Membership of any Member it finds to be behaving inappropriately. The member concerned shall have the right to be heard, accompanied by a relative, friend or advocate (if wished) before a final decision is made. Any Fees paid will not be refunded and BAOS reserves the right to pursue recovery of remaining Fees in all cases.


The Production Team will make available a rehearsal schedule after auditions as soon as is possible, working around known absences as stated on audition forms. The Production Team reserve the right to change the schedule as the need arises.

Attendance at rehearsals when called is compulsory. An attendance register will be kept by Committee at rehearsals and it is the Members responsibility to ensure their attendance is recorded.

There may be unavoidable instances whereby a cast member is unable to attend, due to sickness, work or school activities, and these should be notified to or a member of the Production Team as soon as they are known and certainly a minimum of 2 hours before a rehearsal. You can provide a stand-in for setting rehearsals, subject to agreement with the Production Team.

BAOS Committee working with the Production Team reserves the right to remove or recast Members as appropriate due to insufficient attendance. Insufficient attendance is classed as being unavailable for greater than the maximum number of missed rehearsals as stated on the Audition Form for a Production.

Fees paid will not be refunded. Non-notification of absence may result in recasting or removal from the cast, with any fees paid not being refunded. BAOS reserve the right to pursue for costs and outstanding fees.



1. Privacy Policy: Version 1.0 dated 20th May 2018
1.1 Basingstoke Amateur Operatic Society (“BAOS / We / Us”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. 1.2 This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. 1.3 For the purpose of the GDPR Data Protection Act 25th May 2018 (the Act), the data controller is BAOS. 1.4 Our Charity Registration Number is 1103166.
2. Information we may collect from you
2.1 We may collect and process the following data about you: (a) If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence. (b) We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration. This is statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual. (c) Contact information (name and email address) is maintained on both our membership and mailing list if you are a paid-for or lapsed member of BAOS, or have expressed an interest in our activities. (d) Show-related data such as an audition form, medical form or permission slip for marketing materials. 2.2 BAOS usually performs at The Haymarket. This venue is managed by The Anvil Trust Limited (Anvil Arts), who are responsible for managing ticket bookings on behalf of BAOS and the collation of associated personal data. Anvil Arts holds and processes this information in accordance with the Act. 2.3 BAOS may also perform at alternative venues and utilise online ticketing systems to process the selling and booking of tickets. BAOS will only use such systems who hold and process information in accordance with the Act. 2.4 Our Charity Registration Number is 1103166.
3. Cookies
3.1 For the same reason, we may obtain information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve our site and to deliver a better and more personalised service. Some of the cookies we use are essential for the site to operate. Cookies are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. 3.2 If you continue to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies. 3.3 On 26 May 2011, the rules about cookies on websites changed. This site uses cookies. You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but parts of the site may not work. 3.4 You block cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our site.
4. Processing of your personal data
4.1 BAOS complies with its obligations under the Act by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining unnecessary data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data. 4.2 BAOS only collects personal information about you when you specifically provide us with such information on a voluntary basis.
5. Uses made of the information
5.1 We use information held about you in the following ways: (a) To ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer. (b) To provide you with information that you request from us or which we feel may interest you. (c) To allow you to participate in the activities of BAOS, when you choose to do so. (d) To notify you about changes to BAOS. (e) To allow members to participate in shows and other activities, in accordance with the requirements of the hosting venue or insurance policies.
6. Disclosure of your information
6.1 We may disclose your personal information to any member of BAOS. 6.2 BAOS does not sell your contact details to Third Parties.
7. Your rights
7.1 Under GDPR you have the following rights: (a) Right to be informed of why your data is being processed (b) Right of access to the personal data held (c) Right of rectification if incorrect data is held (d) Right to erasure (e) Right to object to processing 7.2 You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us at 7.3 Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from related websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.
8. Access to information
8.1 The Act gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Act. 8.2 Please let us know if your information changes as it is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. 8.3 We will keep your contact information for a maximum of 5 years after you cease to be a member or have had no other dealings with us. We keep your information for this period because you may resume your connection with BAOS and take part again in our activities. However, you can ask us to remove your personal information from our records at any time and we will do so and stop sending you any further correspondence. 8.4 For show-related information, such as audition or medical forms, we will keep for the duration of the rehearsal and performance period of the relevant show. However, you can ask us to remove your personal information from our records at any time and we will do so. This may prevent members from fully participating in a particular show or activity. 8.5 You have the right to request a copy of all the personal information we hold about you in a Subject Access Request. To do this, simply email We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal information we may hold about you.
9. Changes to our privacy policy
9.1 Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email.
10. Contact


Statement of Intent

All children and young people have an absolute right to be safe from harm. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that everyone in our care is enabled to be emotionally and physically safe. As part of these steps, we will:-

  • Hold a register of every child/young person involved with the group, including relevant medical information and emergency contact details of their parent/guardian.
  • Respect the child/young person and provide a safe and positive environment.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of the activity.
  • Be publicly open when working with children/young people, avoiding situations where a child/young person may be alone unobserved with a Limelight volunteer.
  • As a minimum, provide 1 DBS checked volunteer or licensed chaperone to every 12 children at all rehearsals/performances.
  • Where possible, provide male and female chaperones to a mixed group of children/young people.
  • Have a robust signing-in and out procedure in place for the receiving and collection of children to and from rehearsals/performances.
  • Have a robust procedure in place for the recording and responding to incidents and accidents.
  • Ensure that all Limelight volunteers are:-
    • Registered as a Chaperone with HCC (including DBS check), OR
    • We have undertaken a DBS check prior to their becoming actively involved with children/young people in our care, OR
    • Are volunteers under the constant supervision of either a licensed chaperone or DBS checked volunteer and work only as a pair.
  • Ensure that all Limelight volunteers/chaperones have received a chaperone pack detailing our Safeguarding Policy and the process to be followed should there be any concern raised/allegation made regarding a child or young person’s safety.
  • Ensure that no photographs or video footage are taken of any child or young person in our care without the prior written consent of the parent/guardian.